Subversion Launches

On September 13, 2016, after years of revising and editing, I launched Subversion, sequel to Enslavement and book two in the One Bright Future series. I am so pleased to finally get to share this YA dystopian novel with readers. Honestly, I like it better than the first book, but we’ll see what you all think.

Buy it on Amazon. If you want an electronic version, it’s coming soon.

A Thank-you #Giveaway for Enslavement Fans Only #freeRielleJames

I’m so thankful for those blog, Amazon and Goodreads reviews my readers have written for Enslavement. You all did this nice thing for me, so I want to do something for you. 

Free to all Enslavement reviewers.

In telling the story from Rielle’s point-of-view, there were so many aspects of the characters and situations, I couldn’t reveal. Did you ever wonder how the Banker and Nina ended up together? I mean, talk about an odd couple. Or how about, how did the “back door” end up on Nina’s chip and why was she so keen on giving it to Rielle? The answers to these questions may surprise you.

The Illusion of Choice is a short story I’ve written from Nina’s POV. It reveals why she married the Banker and how she came to possess the “back door.”  Whether you’ve reviewed Enslavement on your blog,  Amazon, Goodreads or all of the above, I’ll send you a free e-copy. Just DM me on Twitter (@melindafriesen) , Facebook (melindafriesen1)  or leave a comment below with your email address and the name under which you left the review; I’ll verify it and then make sure you get a copy. 

Haven’t left a review yet? Well now’s your chance: click here to write an Amazon review.

Thank you so much for your support!