Greetings from the World’s Worst Blogger and Free Writing Results

Greetings. It’s been awhile. Okay, maybe I’m not the worst blogger, but I win for inconsistency. I have a good excuse though. I’ve been hard at work on edits for Subversion, the sequel to Enslavement. I’m not sure what my excuse was when I wasn’t working through edit, but I’m certain I can come up with something. There are so many good excuses not to blog.:)

At my writers’ group, we often do free writing exercises. We’re given a starter topic and five minutes to work our writerly magic. It’s amazing where the brain goes . . . and sometimes a little frightening. Here’s a free write I did a couple weeks ago.

The topic: write a query hook for a novel about a moody teenager.grimace-1012862_1920

Talia Mooney rolled her eyes one too many times. Her optic nerves and tendons stretched and flexed, slingshotting. Her eyes rolled over and over. There’s only one way to stop the rolling and that’s to clean her room. But she’s only got 24 hours to do it before her eyes roll permanently, never stopping. Can she clean her room before her eyes get stuck in perpetual motion and she becomes the eternally moody teenager?

Oh, the raw mush that comes out of writers’ brains. Delicious!