
Enslavement Book Cover

Enslavement (One Bright Future #1) by Melinda Friesen. Young Adult, Sci-fi, Dystopian

Take a Look at the Enslavement Trailer!

Listen to an Interview with the Author.



The Enslavement Playlist

Over the next few weeks my goal is to be adding juicy little tidbits about Enslavement to this page. So visit again and there will be something new.

 Today I’m going to focus on the playlist. Like many writers, music has played a huge part in my process. It sets the tone, conveys the emotion I’m looking for in a particular scene. I once wrote a 400 page novel off the emotional energy of a single song. So I don’t necessarily pick a dozen songs, more like a handful that somehow tell my story musically.

 The tough part with the playlist for this book, is that I wrote the book close to five years ago and, at that time, I didn’t write down what I was listening to. It didn’t cross my mind that anyone might want to know.  But, there were four stand out songs that formed a large portion of Rielle James’s story.

1.  Unnamed by Ariel Friesen. At the same time as I was writing my first book, my daughter was composing her first song on piano. This song has always been and will always be the theme song for Enslavement. The trailer above  features the song.

2.  Work by Jars of Clay. The tone of this song captures so much of what is happening inside Rielle in this book. One line stands out: “I have no fear of drowning, it’s the breathing that’s taking all this work.”

3.  My Immortal and Bring Me to Life by Evanescence. What can I say? She’s the queen of my imagination station. She’ll probably end up on every playlist for every book I write.

4.  Yellow by Coldplay. This song came later. I’d already finished the series and Yellow played prominently in the second and third books, but as I went back and added scenes to the first book I used this song during those scenes. Yellow will always, in my mind, be Rielle’s and . . . somebody’s (I’m not telling who just yet) song.

“One World. One Currency. One Bright Future.”

That’s the promise made by OneEarth Bank after a global economic collapse–but only for those who accept the insertion of a commerce chip.

When Rielle’s parents refuse to comply, government officials tear her family apart. As punishment for her parent’s crimes, Rielle is forced into a Community Service Contract–a legalized form of slavery–and sold to a wealthy, abusive banker.

The Banker’s secrets hold the key to Rielle’s freedom, but will she risk prison or even death to escape and search for her family?

Enslavement is a work of YA sci-fi/dystopian.

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